The Saskatchewan Book Awards still has jury vacancies for the following categories:

  • Book of the Year
  • Non-Fiction
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Writing
  • Saskatoon Book Award
  • Regina Book Award
  • Scholarly Book Writing
  • Publishing
  • Publishing in Education
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Publishing

Each jury, except for the Publishing in Education category which must include one Saskatchewan jury member, consists of three members from outside the province to maintain objectivity in the evaluation process.  Eligible jury members include authors (of at least two published books), publishing professionals, professors, teachers and librarians. Each jury member must have professional experience in the category under consideration and maintain confidentiality throughout the evaluation process. The one Saskatchewan juror, selected for the Publishing in Education jury, must also be familiar with Saskatchewan’s school curriculum.

The majority of the work will take place between November 2019 and January 2020, with conference calls to determine the shortlist and winner occurring in January. During the evaluation process, jury members will read the books submitted in their category, select a shortlist and winning title, and provide comments for the shortlisted titles. The SBA offers an honorarium of $15/book with a minimum payment of $150 and a maximum payment of $500. Jurors will also be able to keep books read for the category.

A juror can serve for two years in a row (but in different categories). After serving for two years in a row, a juror must take a break for two years before applying to serve as a juror again.

If interested, please contact the SBA office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and include your name, address, phone number, a brief bio, three possible categories that you would prefer to evaluate, and any relevant information that makes you a good candidate. The SBA reserves the right to match and refer jurors to award categories as needed. 

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday: 1 pm - 5 pm
Fridays by appointment only